Edited highlights with commentary from Rookzero
BAA Livestream
Mad Matt Edited Videos Playlist
meks for mek fans
Edited highlights with commentary from Rookzero
BAA Livestream
Mad Matt Edited Videos Playlist
Straight up drops. Cbill and maps are below. Meta game will involve a simple option of bills for one team and map choice for the other team. Teamspeak: W-R .
The theme/kicker? All maps will be in night mode for spooky results.
1 42 62 67
2 52 90 105
3 61 82 139
4 48 69 104
5 46 71 84
6 55 84 92
1 40 41 26
2 47 59 68
3 76 81 95
4 106 132 151
5 38 85 163
6 34 48 52
7 35 145 164
1 39 44 45
2 55 64 72
3 77 88 94
4 98 121 125
5 48 55 101
6 38 81 111
7 84 100 113
1 TSA Jungle
2 TSA Glory
3 TC Dune
4 TC Bogs
5 TSA Frostbite
6 TSA Carbon
1 TC Forsaken
2 TSA Alshain
3 TSA IceArena
4 TSA Clearcut
5 TSA Badlands
6 TSA ForestValleyV2
7 TC NewAvalon
1 TSA Glory
2 TSA Forsaken
3 TSA IceArena
4 TSA ForestValley
5 TC Harvest
6 TSA Alshain
7 TSA Jungle
TL:DR Signups are optional but encouraged here: LINKY
Event is a week earlier this year. 18:00 UTC Saturday 4 and 11 November .
The format will be similar to the past events.
Format will be round robin.
1 TSA Jungle
2 TSA Glory
3 TSA Forsaken
4 TC NewAvalon
5 TSA Helsgate
6 TSA Carbon
7 TSA Clearcut
Cbiill Sets
1. 34 48 52
2. 49 44 45
3. 55 64 72
4. 45 55 101
5. 84 100 113
6. 77 88 94
7. 106 132 141
Cbills will be chosen by people other than duelist.
Striking system used to allow teams choice in a quick manner.
Best two of three fights determines winner in each round.
Challonge scoreboard keeps track of action. Winner determined at end of round robin or optional championship round.
Seeking four teams to ensure event viability. We are able to handle more teams with no issues.
I will be delegating some responsibility again this year to help focus on keeping event running smoothly.
Please spread the word to as many pilots as possible. This is the challenge every year getting notice to pilots.
Questions? Fire away at the usual places and I will do my best to answer them.
Ten years?! Already?! Let’s go!
TS W-R (backup TS mekmaster.com)
Saturday August 10
Saturday August 17
Saturday August 24 (ten years to the day!)
18:30 utc (a year out so time might change a bit)
More details coming, as always.
Time for the return of the old event. Games start at 18:30 UTC:
Saturday 5 August
Saturday 12 August
Saturday 19 August
And a rare Sunday CM on 20 August.
Meet up to coordinate on voice comms at teamspeak server: W-R
Games will take place on the 12VR server network.
More detailed event info coming soon.
Got this far? Don’t forget about the rest of the 2023 event dates: https://mekmaster.com/2023-mek-master-events/
And that the sign up sheet is live for the annual ThreeV3 event on 4 and 11 November: Linky