Mechwarrior: Living Legends 0.17.0 Release Info

TL:DR Check out this awesome video put out by the MWLL team.

So what new content can you experience in the latest release from Mechwarrior: Living Legends? First off there are not one or two but three new mechs!

The MWLL wiki is a great place to read about the game. Find statistics, tips, and overall knowledge about the game. Basically the resource is like the online version of the manual to MWLL.

First up is the Hellion at 30 tons with Clan tech. Read about it on the wiki here: Linky

Next take a look at the 40 ton Clan tech medium mech the Lobo. Wiki: Linky

Finally don’t forget about the IS medium 50 tonner the Enfield. Wiki: Linky

The video does a great job of covering all the information in a visual format.

I have piloted the Hellion a lot. The cheap prices and forgiving weapons load outs work well for my play style. I have played it a lot in CM this month.

I have yet to really use the Lobo. Thing looks awesome. Weapons load outs look to fit me well. I have seen a few on the battlefield. But I look forward to using it more in the future.

The Enfield look really cool in the game. I have not used it much in Terrain Control. But it works well in drops.

Congratulations to the development team on the new release.

Want to try the mechs out for yourself?

Get the game here: Linky

TwoV2: A ThreeV3 Event Saturday June 8 18:00 UTC

ThreeV3 Basic Training
TwoV2 Speed Round
TwoV2: A ThreeV3 Event
June 8 2024 18:00 UTC
Bored? Got the summer blues? Looking for mech combat? duelist is hosting a small little tournament. Held on one day and designed for four teams. Standard tournament setup with a round robin approach. The kicker is the event morphs into a ThreeV3 for certain maps using standby pilots. But otherwise nothing fancy. Show up, play on a team, try to win the championship, and have fun.
Let duelist roll for you in Steam or pick among:
TC ClearcutMine

TSA Jungle
TSA Palisades
TSA Vista
TSA Mirage
(maps not finalized just yet)
Cbill sets
1) 44 55
2) 66 77
3) 88 99
4) 36 40
5) 104 40
6) 160 36
7) 132 142
(sets are being adjusted but not by much)
Players may show up as a team. Players can also be assigned during the event.
Seven players will be be the ideal minimum number for the event but can make it work with any number.
Event will be best 3 of 5 if 4 teams in 2 rounds.
Event will have a third round if time allows to determine champions.
Part of the event will be 3 player teams using player pool of other teams or ideally designated 3rd pilot mercs.
Event length is estimated around 2-3 hours.
Next duelist event will be the seasonal return of CM leading into setup for the big 10th anniversary CM event in August.

Chaos March 9th Anniversary August 5, 12, 19 and 20 18:30 UTC

Time for the return of the old event. Games start at 18:30 UTC:

Saturday 5 August

Saturday 12 August

Saturday 19 August

And a rare Sunday CM on 20 August.

Meet up to coordinate on voice comms at teamspeak server: W-R

Games will take place on the 12VR server network.

More detailed event info coming soon.

Got this far? Don’t forget about the rest of the 2023 event dates:

And that the sign up sheet is live for the annual ThreeV3 event on 4 and 11 November: Linky

2023 Rookie ThreeV3 Tournament 17 June 18:30 UTC

Interested in the annual ThreeV3 tournament but find it too intimidating to start? Want a chance to learn the ropes from veteran trainers? Need a slower and more laid back event to get your feet wet? But want to participate in a competitive event? This is the one for your. Up to four teams will participate in a single day and simplified ThreeV3 event on 17 June 17 at 18:30 utc. Each team will have a veteran pilot to teach, answer questions, and offer advice. The rest of the tournament format is the same as the usual event. Each team will play a best 2 of 3 battle against other teams in a single round robin format.

The meta will still involve picking limits but will be a smaller pool to speed things up. The maps will be listed below. There will be a scoreboard and live stream coverage. The entire event should take no more than four hours, hopefully closer to three. Two servers will be up for simultaneous matches. A championship round is not planned but can be held on team request. Players may sign up below as a single player or as a team. The tournament will be held even if we do not hit four teams. Please be sure to have teamspeak voice comms installed. A microphone is highly encouraged but not strictly required. Players of all skills levels are welcome to participate in the event. Plenty of room for veteran players.

What: up to 4 team rookie 3v3 event
When: Saturday 17 June 2023 18:30 UTC (1:30 central)
How: W-R (that is the actual address to connect) teamspeak server 3v3 Lobby Channel
Why: To try to lower the barrier for November event, have some fun, see some competition
Who: MWLL players with team speak that want to participate
Signup Sheet: Not required but helps me prepare

Scoreboard: To be added soon

Hello pilots! Looks like each team will have enough pilots to participate. Players seeking teams will be put on a team before the event. So do not worry about only having 2 players on the sign up sheet. Maps?
Dustbowl Arena

1 52 43 40
2 64 66 725 8
3 79 63
4 113 100 8
5 39 44 45

Those might change a bit before launch. Please make sure your team has teamspeak software installed.

Our voice server will be W-R . That is the address to put in: W-R

Join the Rookie ThreeV3 lobby or your team channel.

The scoreboard is up but still being worked on:
Those are not the official matchups yet.

Our game servers will be on the 12VR Network. Look for the password to be given out on teamspeak.

One of a few of our livestreams will be available on the Mek Master Youtube channel:

I am unsure if there will be announcers this time around.

The striking system will only be five options long to speed things up. More event details coming soon. Looking forward to seeing everybody this weekend.

2022 ThreeV3 Weekend One MekMaster Coverage

Edited fights. Main viewpoint above with broll below.