We should be here for another hour or more!
Test Hello WOrld
TC UrbanJungle to Decide the Epilogue LIVE! mwll.mekmaster.com teamspeak.
Stealth Saturday Now Stack Up mwll.mekmaster.com
Build your forces for fun. Stake claim to your own planet. Time to mix it up before August. Ready room awaits…. Will you be a legend?
Blakists Start Chaos @ 21:30 Teamspeak
This week the Blakists travel to planet to keep up with the Stone Coalition. The Capellan Commonality Ade not far behind as they setup their attack on Tikonov. Opposing these offenses head on will be the respective jobs of Stone Coalition and Free Worlds League. Prepare for combat on team speak server mekmaster.com or mwll.mwmaster.com.
The Solaris Event returns soon.