Mechwarrior: Living Legends 0.17.0 Release Info

TL:DR Check out this awesome video put out by the MWLL team.

So what new content can you experience in the latest release from Mechwarrior: Living Legends? First off there are not one or two but three new mechs!

The MWLL wiki is a great place to read about the game. Find statistics, tips, and overall knowledge about the game. Basically the resource is like the online version of the manual to MWLL.

First up is the Hellion at 30 tons with Clan tech. Read about it on the wiki here: Linky

Next take a look at the 40 ton Clan tech medium mech the Lobo. Wiki: Linky

Finally don’t forget about the IS medium 50 tonner the Enfield. Wiki: Linky

The video does a great job of covering all the information in a visual format.

I have piloted the Hellion a lot. The cheap prices and forgiving weapons load outs work well for my play style. I have played it a lot in CM this month.

I have yet to really use the Lobo. Thing looks awesome. Weapons load outs look to fit me well. I have seen a few on the battlefield. But I look forward to using it more in the future.

The Enfield look really cool in the game. I have not used it much in Terrain Control. But it works well in drops.

Congratulations to the development team on the new release.

Want to try the mechs out for yourself?

Get the game here: Linky