Chaos returns this Saturday and Sunday at 20:00 UTC with some unfinished business.
Blakists finish their defense against Capellans on planet Ruchbach. Map 6 TC Wildlands decides the planet.
Then Blakists finish their defense of Menkalinan against Saiph. Action pickups up on map 3 Desert or Map 4 Stonerose. Blakists lead 2-1 or tied 1-1.
The new campaigns pickup with Saiph Turn 47 later Saturday or Sunday. Tikonov is the backup team if we need more maps.
Chaos Friday returns next week around 22:00 UTC. Here is a calendar with all upcoming February events: Linky
Faction leaders note new order forms and drop calcs should drop Saturday afternoon and evening.
Enjoy the long play of TC Altay as your video of the week.